Which Gestalt Principles are being used?

Figure 1: a figure with a row of 5 gray boxes and a column of 9 gray boxes. Within these boxes are lighter gray boxes, creating the letters T L. Figure 2: A square bracket is on the right. There is a column with the information: ascent, 32, 64. The middle column (no border) has the text: Quiescent, 13, 24. The last column is a square bracket on the left and the text: decent, 15, 56. Figure 3: to the far right in a box is the text Allied (underlined), 300. To the far left is a box that has the text Axis(underlined), 1500. Figure 4: the left boxed figure has a small left shifted shadow and the text S&P. The middle boxed figure has a large downcast shadow and the text P only. The right boxed figure has a small right shifted shadow and the text C&P.